Top 100 Armenian Words

We believe in learning the most important Armenian vocabularies first to start off your learning journey on the right foot. The Armenian vocabulary list below contains 100 of the most frequently used Armenian words. For more vocabularies like that, check out our yellow Armenian vocabulary book towards the end of this page.
Armenian Vocabulary 1-20
Armenian Vocabulary 21-60
Armenian Vocabulary 61-100

Armenian Vocabulary 1-20

I in Armenianես (es)
you in Armenianդու (tu)
he in Armenianնա (na)
she in Armenianնա (na)
it in Armenianայն (ayn)
we in Armenianմենք (menkʿ)
you in Armenianդուք (tukʿ)
they in Armenianնրանք (nrankʿ)
what in Armenianինչ (inchʿ)
who in Armenianով (ov)
where in Armenianորտեղ (ordegh)
why in Armenianինչու (inchʿu)
how in Armenianինչպես (inchʿbes)
which in Armenianորը (orě)
when in Armenianերբ (erp)
then in Armenianապա (aba)
if in Armenianեթե (etʿe)
really in Armenianիսկապես (isgabes)
but in Armenianբայց (paytsʿ)
because in Armenianորովհետև (orovhedev)

Top 100 Armenian WordsYouTube

Armenian Vocabulary 21-60

not in Armenianոչ (ochʿ)
this in Armenianայս (ays)
I need this in ArmenianՍա ինձ պետք է։ (Sa ints bedkʿ ē։)
How much is this? in ArmenianԻ՞նչ արժե սա։ (I՞nchʿ arzhe sa։)
that in Armenianայդ (ayt)
all in Armenianբոլոր (polor)
or in Armenianկամ (gam)
and in Armenianև (ev)
to know in Armenianիմանալ (imanal)
I know in ArmenianԳիտեմ (Kidem)
I don't know in ArmenianՉգիտեմ (Chʿkidem)
to think in Armenianմտածել (mdadzel)
to come in Armenianգալ (kal)
to put in Armenianդնել (tnel)
to take in Armenianվերցնել (vertsʿnel)
to find in Armenianգտնել (kdnel)
to listen in Armenianլսել (lsel)
to work in Armenianաշխատել (ashkhadel)
to talk in Armenianխոսել (khosel)
to give in Armenianտալ (dal)
to like in Armenianհավանել (havanel)
to help in Armenianօգնել (ōknel)
to love in Armenianսիրել (sirel)
to call in Armenianզանգել (zankel)
to wait in Armenianսպասել (sbasel)
I like you in ArmenianԵս քեզ հավանում եմ։ (Es kʿez havanum em։)
I don't like this in ArmenianՍա ինձ դուր չի գալիս։ (Sa ints tur chʿi kalis։)
Do you love me? in ArmenianԴու սիրո՞ւմ ես ինձ։ (Tu siro՞wm es ints։)
I love you in ArmenianԵս քեզ սիրում եմ։ (Es kʿez sirum em։)
0 in Armenianզրո (zro)
1 in Armenianմեկ (meg)
2 in Armenianերկու (ergu)
3 in Armenianերեք (erekʿ)
4 in Armenianչորս (chʿors)
5 in Armenianհինգ (hink)
6 in Armenianվեց (vetsʿ)
7 in Armenianյոթ (yotʿ)
8 in Armenianութ (utʿ)
9 in Armenianինը (ině)
10 in Armenianտաս (das)

Armenian Vocabulary 61-100

11 in Armenianտասնմեկ (dasnmeg)
12 in Armenianտասներկու (dasnergu)
13 in Armenianտասներեք (dasnerekʿ)
14 in Armenianտասնչորս (dasnchʿors)
15 in Armenianտասնհինգ (dasnhink)
16 in Armenianտասնվեց (dasnvetsʿ)
17 in Armenianտասնյոթ (dasnyotʿ)
18 in Armenianտասնութ (dasnutʿ)
19 in Armenianտասնինը (dasnině)
20 in Armenianքսան (kʿsan)
new in Armenianնոր (nor)
old in Armenianհին (hin)
few in Armenianքիչ (kʿichʿ)
many in Armenianշատ (shad)
how much? in Armenianորքա՞ն (orkʿa՞n)
how many? in Armenianքանի՞ (kʿani՞)
wrong in Armenianսխալ (skhal)
correct in Armenianճիշտ (jishd)
bad in Armenianվատ (vad)
good in Armenianլավ (lav)
happy in Armenianուրախ (urakh)
short in Armenianկարճ (garj)
long in Armenianերկար (ergar)
small in Armenianփոքր (pʿokʿr)
big in Armenianմեծ (medz)
there in Armenianայնտեղ (ayndegh)
here in Armenianայստեղ (aysdegh)
right in Armenianաջ (ach)
left in Armenianձախ (tsakh)
beautiful in Armenianգեղեցիկ (keghetsʿig)
young in Armenianերիտասարդ (eridasart)
old in Armenianծեր (dzer)
hello in Armenianողջույն (oghchuyn)
see you later in Armenianկտեսնվենք (gdesnvenkʿ)
ok in Armenianլավ (lav)
take care in Armenianզգույշ եղիր (zkuysh eghir)
don't worry in Armenianմի անհանգստացիր (mi anhanksdatsʿir)
of course in Armenianիհարկե (iharge)
good day in Armenianլավ օր (lav ōr)
hi in Armenianբարև (parev)

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Armenian Vocabulary Books

Learn Armenian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Armenian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Armenian word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Armenian words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Armenian Vocabulary Book

Armenian Vocabulary Book

This Armenian vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Armenian Flashcards


Armenian Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Armenian flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Armenian Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Armenian flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

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