Clothes in Bulgarian

Do you need to go and buy clothes using Bulgarian? The below list of Bulgarian clothing names might come in handy. For even more Bulgarian vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Bulgarian at the end of the page.
Shoes in Bulgarian
Underwear in Bulgarian
Other Clothes in Bulgarian
Accessories in Bulgarian

Shoes in Bulgarian

flip-flops in Bulgarian(PL) джапанки (джа́панки - dzhápanki)
high heels in Bulgarian(PL) високи токчета (висо́ки то́кчета - visóki tókcheta)
trainers in Bulgarian(PL) маратонки (марато́нки - maratónki)
sandals in Bulgarian(PL) сандали (санда́ли - sandáli)
leather shoes in Bulgarian(PL) кожени обувки (ко́жени обу́вки - kózheni obúvki)
slippers in Bulgarian(PL) домашни пантофи (дома́шни панто́фи - domáshni pantófi)
football boots in Bulgarian(PL) футболни обувки (фу́тболни обу́вки - fútbolni obúvki)
hiking boots in Bulgarian(PL) туристически обувки (туристи́чески обу́вки - turistícheski obúvki)
ballet shoes in Bulgarian(PL) балетни обувки (бале́тни обу́вки - balétni obúvki)
dancing shoes in Bulgarian(PL) обувки за танци (обу́вки за та́нци - obúvki za tántsi)

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Underwear in Bulgarian

bra in Bulgarian(M) сутиен (сутие́н - sutién)
jogging bra in Bulgarian(M) спортен сутиен (спо́ртен сутие́н - spórten sutién)
panties in Bulgarian(PL) гащи (га́щи - gáshti)
underpants in Bulgarian(PL) долни гащи (до́лни га́щи - dólni gáshti)
undershirt in Bulgarian(M) долен потник (до́лен по́тник - dólen pótnik)
sock in Bulgarian(M) чорап (чора́п - choráp)
pantyhose in Bulgarian(M) чорапогащник (чорапога́щник - chorapogáshtnik)
pyjamas in Bulgarian(F) пижама (пижа́ма - pizháma)
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Other Clothes in Bulgarian

T-shirt in Bulgarian(F) тениска (те́ниска - téniska)
shorts in Bulgarian(PL) къси панталонки (къ́си пантало́нки - kŭ́si pantalónki)
trousers in Bulgarian(PL) панталони (пантало́ни - pantalóni)
jeans in Bulgarian(PL) дънки (дъ́нки - dŭ́nki)
sweater in Bulgarian(M) пуловер (пуло́вер - pulóver)
suit in Bulgarian(M) костюм (костю́м - kostyúm)
dress in Bulgarian(F) рокля (ро́кля - róklya)
coat in Bulgarian(N) палто (палто́ - paltó)
raincoat in Bulgarian(M) дъждобран (дъждобра́н - dŭzhdobrán)

Accessories in Bulgarian

glasses in Bulgarian(PL) очила (очила́ - ochilá)
sunglasses in Bulgarian(PL) слънчеви очила (слъ́нчеви очила́ - slŭ́nchevi ochilá)
umbrella in Bulgarian(M) чадър (чадъ́р - chadŭ́r)
ring in Bulgarian(M) пръстен (пръ́стен - prŭ́sten)
earring in Bulgarian(F) обица (обица́ - obitsá)
wallet in Bulgarian(M) портфейл (портфе́йл - portféĭl)
watch in Bulgarian(M) ръчен часовник (ръ́чен часо́вник - rŭ́chen chasóvnik)
belt in Bulgarian(M) колан (кола́н - kolán)
handbag in Bulgarian(F) дамска чанта (да́мска ча́нта - dámska chánta)
scarf in Bulgarian(M) шал (шал - shal)
hat in Bulgarian(F) шапка (ша́пка - shápka)
tie in Bulgarian(F) вратовръзка (вратовръ́зка - vratovrŭ́zka)

Clothes in Bulgarian

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Bulgarian Vocabulary Books

Learn Bulgarian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Bulgarian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Bulgarian word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Bulgarian words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Bulgarian Vocabulary Book

Bulgarian Vocabulary Book

This Bulgarian vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Bulgarian Flashcards


Bulgarian Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Bulgarian flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Bulgarian Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Bulgarian flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

Free Learning Resources