Top 100 Cantonese Words

We believe in learning the most important Cantonese vocabularies first to start off your learning journey on the right foot. The Cantonese vocabulary list below contains 100 of the most frequently used Cantonese words. For more vocabularies like that, check out our yellow Cantonese vocabulary book towards the end of this page.
Cantonese Vocabulary 1-20
Cantonese Vocabulary 21-60
Cantonese Vocabulary 61-100

Cantonese Vocabulary 1-20

I in Cantonese我 (ngo5)
you in Cantonese你 (nei5)
he in Cantonese佢 (keoi5)
she in Cantonese佢 (keoi5)
it in Cantonese佢 (keoi5)
we in Cantonese我哋 (ngo5 dei6)
you in Cantonese你哋 (nei5 dei6)
they in Cantonese佢哋 (keoi5 dei6)
what in Cantonese咩 (me1)
who in Cantonese邊個 (bin1 go3)
where in Cantonese邊到 (bin1 dou6)
why in Cantonese點解 (dim2 gaai2)
how in Cantonese點 (dim2)
which in Cantonese邊個 (bin1 go3)
when in Cantonese幾時 (gei2 si4)
then in Cantonese然後 (jin4 hau6)
if in Cantonese如果 (jyu4 gwo2)
really in Cantonese真 (zan1)
but in Cantonese但係 (daan6 hai6)
because in Cantonese因為 (jan1 wai6)

Top 100 Cantonese WordsYouTube

Cantonese Vocabulary 21-60

not in Cantonese唔 (m4)
this in Cantonese呢個 (ni1 go3)
I need this in Cantonese我要呢個 (ngo5 jiu3 ni1 go3)
How much is this? in Cantonese呢個幾錢? (ni1 go3 gei2 cin2)
that in Cantonese嗰個 (go2 go3)
all in Cantonese所有 (so2 jau5)
or in Cantonese或者 (waak6 ze2)
and in Cantonese同 (tung4)
to know in Cantonese知 (zi1)
I know in Cantonese我知 (ngo5 zi1)
I don't know in Cantonese我唔知 (ngo5 m4 zi1)
to think in Cantonese諗 (nam2)
to come in Cantonese來 (loi4)
to put in Cantonese放 (fong3)
to take in Cantonese攞 (lo2)
to find in Cantonese搵到 (wan2 dou3)
to listen in Cantonese聽 (ting1)
to work in Cantonese做嘢 (zou6 je5)
to talk in Cantonese講 (gong2)
to give in Cantonese畀 (bei2)
to like in Cantonese鐘意 (zung1 ji3)
to help in Cantonese幫 (bong1)
to love in Cantonese愛 (oi3)
to call in Cantonese打電話 (daa2 din6 waa2)
to wait in Cantonese等 (dang2)
I like you in Cantonese我鐘意你 (ngo5 zung1 ji3 nei5)
I don't like this in Cantonese我唔鐘意呢個 (ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 ni1 go3)
Do you love me? in Cantonese你愛唔愛我呀? (nei5 oi3 m4 oi3 ngo5 aa3)
I love you in Cantonese我愛你 (ngo5 oi3 nei5)
0 in Cantonese零 (ling4)
1 in Cantonese一 (jat1)
2 in Cantonese二 (ji6)
3 in Cantonese三 (saam1)
4 in Cantonese四 (sei3)
5 in Cantonese五 (ng5)
6 in Cantonese六 (luk6)
7 in Cantonese七 (cat1)
8 in Cantonese八 (baat3)
9 in Cantonese九 (gau2)
10 in Cantonese十 (sap6)
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Cantonese Vocabulary 61-100

11 in Cantonese十一 (sap6 jat1)
12 in Cantonese十二 (sap6 ji6)
13 in Cantonese十三 (sap6 saam1)
14 in Cantonese十四 (sap6 sei3)
15 in Cantonese十五 (sap6 ng5)
16 in Cantonese十六 (sap6 luk6)
17 in Cantonese十七 (sap6 cat1)
18 in Cantonese十八 (sap6 baat3)
19 in Cantonese十九 (sap6 gau2)
20 in Cantonese二十 (ji6 sap6)
new in Cantonese新 (san1)
old in Cantonese舊 (gau6)
few in Cantonese少 (siu2)
many in Cantonese多 (do1)
how much? in Cantonese幾多? (gei2 do1)
how many? in Cantonese幾多? (gei2 do1)
wrong in Cantonese錯 (co3)
correct in Cantonese啱 (ngaam1)
bad in Cantonese差 (caa1)
good in Cantonese好 (hou2)
happy in Cantonese開心 (hoi1 sam1)
short in Cantonese短 (dyun2)
long in Cantonese長 (coeng4)
small in Cantonese小 (siu2)
big in Cantonese大 (daai6)
there in Cantonese嗰度 (go2 dou6)
here in Cantonese呢度 (ni1 dou6)
right in Cantonese右 (jau6)
left in Cantonese左 (zo2)
beautiful in Cantonese靚 (leng3)
young in Cantonese後生 (hau6 saang1)
old in Cantonese老 (lou5)
hello in Cantonese你好 (nei5 hou2)
see you later in Cantonese等陣見 (dang2 zan6 gin3)
ok in Cantonese得 (dak1)
take care in Cantonese小心 (siu2 sam1)
don't worry in Cantonese唔使擔心 (m4 sai2 daam1 sam1)
of course in Cantonese當然 (dong1 jin4)
good day in Cantonese早晨 (zou2 san4)
hi in Cantonese哈佬 (haa1 lou2)

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Cantonese Vocabulary Books

Learn Cantonese - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Cantonese - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Cantonese word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Cantonese words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Cantonese Vocabulary Book

Cantonese Vocabulary Book

This Cantonese vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Cantonese Flashcards


Cantonese Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Cantonese flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Cantonese Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Cantonese flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

Free Learning Resources