Adjectives in Catalan

Adjectives are a key part of any language. The Catalan adjectives listed below will help you learn common Catalan adjectives in no time. Together with other basic nouns and verbs, this will quickly allow you to express basic things in Catalan. For even more Catalan adjectives, take a look at our learning resources for Catalan at the end of the page.
Basic Adjectives in Catalan
Colours in Catalan
Feelings in Catalan
Space in Catalan
Other Important Adjectives in Catalan

Basic Adjectives in Catalan

heavy in Catalanpesat (pesada, pesats, pesades)
light in Catalanlleuger (lleugera, lleugers, lleugeres)
correct in Catalancorrecte (correcta, correctes, correctes)
wrong in Catalanincorrecte (incorrecta, incorrectes, incorrectes)
difficult in Catalandifícil (difícil, difícils, difícils)
easy in Catalanfàcil (fàcil, fàcils, fàcils)
few in Catalanpocs (poques)
many in Catalanmolts (moltes)
new in Catalannou (nova, nous, noves)
old in Catalanvell (vella, vells, velles)
slow in Catalanlent (lenta, lents, lentes)
quick in Catalanràpid (ràpida, ràpids, ràpides)
poor in Catalanpobre (pobra, pobres, pobres)
rich in Catalanric (rica, rics, riques)

Adjectives in CatalanYouTube

Colours in Catalan

white in Catalanblanc (blancs)
black in Catalannegre (negres)
grey in Catalangris (grisos)
green in Catalanverd (verds)
blue in Catalanblau (blaus)
red in Catalanvermell (vermells)
pink in Catalanrosa (roses)
orange in Catalantaronja (taronges)
purple in Catalanporpra (porpres)
yellow in Catalangroc (grocs)
brown in Catalanmarró (marrons)

Feelings in Catalan

good in Catalanbo (bona, bons, bones)
bad in Catalandolent (dolenta, dolents, dolentes)
weak in Catalanfeble (feble, febles, febles)
strong in Catalanfort (forta, forts, fortes)
happy in Catalanfeliç (feliç, feliços, felices)
sad in Catalantrist (trista, trists, tristes)
healthy in Catalansaludable (saludable, saludables, saludables)
sick in Catalanmalalt (malalta, malalts, malaltes)
hungry in Catalanfamolenc (famolenca, famolencs, famolenques)
thirsty in Catalanassedegat (assedegada, assedegats, assedegades)
lonely in Catalansolitari (solitària, solitaris, solitàries)
tired in Catalancansat (cansada, cansats, cansades)

Space in Catalan

short in Catalancurt (curta, curts, curtes)
long in Catalanllarg (llarga, llargs, llargues)
small in Catalanpetit (petita, petits, petites)
big in Catalangran (gran, grans, grans)
high in Catalanalt (alta, alts, altes)
low in Catalanbaix (baixa, baixos, baixes)
steep in Catalanabrupte (abrupta, abruptes, abruptes)
flat in Catalanpla (plana, plans, planes)
shallow in Catalanpoc profund (poc profunda, poc profunds, poc profundes)
deep in Catalanprofund (profunda, profunds, profundes)
narrow in Catalanestret (estreta, estrets, estretes)
broad in Catalanampli (àmplia, amplis, àmplies)

Other Important Adjectives in Catalan

cheap in Catalanbarat (barata, barats, barates)
expensive in Catalancar (cara, cars, cares)
soft in Catalansuau (suau, suaus, suaus)
hard in Catalandur (dura, durs, dures)
empty in Catalanbuit (buida, buits, buides)
full in Catalanple (plena, plens, plenes)
dirty in Catalanbrut (bruta, bruts, brutes)
clean in Catalannet (neta, nets, netes)
sweet in Catalandolç (dolça, dolços, dolces)
sour in Catalanàcid (àcida, àcids, àcides)
young in Catalanjove (jove, joves, joves)
old in Catalanvell (vella, vells, velles)
cold in Catalanfred (freda, freds, fredes)
warm in Catalancàlid (càlida, càlids, càlides)

Colours in Catalan

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Catalan Vocabulary Books

Learn Catalan - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Catalan - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Catalan word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Catalan words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Catalan Vocabulary Book

Catalan Vocabulary Book

This Catalan vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Catalan Flashcards


Catalan Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Catalan flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Catalan Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Catalan flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

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