Business in Czech

Doing business in Czech is not easy. The below list with Czech business terms can help you to get started. For even more Czech vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Czech at the end of the page.
Company Terms in Czech
Office Words in Czech
Devices in Czech
Legal Terms in Czech
Banking in Czech

Company Terms in Czech

company in Czech(F) společnost (společnosti, společnosti)
job in Czech(F) práce (práce, práce)
bank in Czech(F) banka (banky, banky)
office in Czech(F) kancelář (kanceláře, kanceláře)
meeting room in Czech(F) zasedací místnost (zasedací místnosti, zasedací místnosti)
employee in Czech(M) zaměstnanec (zaměstnance, zaměstnanci)
employer in Czech(M) zaměstnavatel (zaměstnavatele, zaměstnavatelé)
staff in Czech(M) personál (personálu, personály)
salary in Czech(M) plat (platu, platy)
insurance in Czech(N) pojištění (pojištění, pojištění)
marketing in Czech(M) marketing (marketingu, marketingy)
accounting in Czech(N) účetnictví (účetnictví, účetnictví)
tax in Czech(F) daň (daně, daně)

Business in CzechYouTube

Office Words in Czech

letter in Czech(M) dopis (dopisu, dopisy)
envelope in Czech(F) obálka (obálky, obálky)
address in Czech(F) adresa (adresy, adresy)
zip code in Czech(N) PSČ (PSČ, PSČ)
parcel in Czech(M) balíček (balíčku, balíčky)
fax in Czech(M) fax (faxu, faxy)
text message in Czech(F) textová zpráva (textové zprávy, textové zprávy)
projector in Czech(M) projektor (projektoru, projektory)
folder in Czech(M) šanon (šanonu, šanony)
presentation in Czech(F) prezentace (prezentace, prezentace)
101 Ad
101 Ad
101 Ad

Devices in Czech

laptop in Czech(M) notebook (notebooku, notebooky)
screen in Czech(F) obrazovka (obrazovky, obrazovky)
printer in Czech(F) tiskárna (tiskárny, tiskárny)
scanner in Czech(M) skener (skeneru, skenery)
telephone in Czech(M) telefon (telefonu, telefony)
USB stick in Czech(M) USB klíč (USB klíče, USB klíče)
hard drive in Czech(M) pevný disk (pevného disku, pevné disky)
keyboard in Czech(F) klávesnice (klávesnice, klávesnice)
mouse in Czech(F) myš (myši, myši)
server in Czech(M) server (serveru, servery)

Legal Terms in Czech

law in Czech(M) zákon (zákona, zákony)
fine in Czech(F) pokuta (pokuty, pokuty)
prison in Czech(N) vězení (vězení, vězení)
court in Czech(M) soud (soudu, soudy)
jury in Czech(F) porota (poroty, poroty)
witness in Czech(M) svědek (svědka, svědci)
defendant in Czech(M) žalovaný (žalovaného, žalovaní)
evidence in Czech(M) důkaz (důkazu, důkazy)
fingerprint in Czech(M) otisk prstu (otisku prstu, otisky prstu)
paragraph in Czech(M) paragraf (paragrafu, paragrafy)

Banking in Czech

money in Czech(M) peníze (-, peníze)
coin in Czech(F) mince (mince, mince)
note in Czech(F) bankovka (bankovky, bankovky)
credit card in Czech(F) kreditní karta (kreditní karty, kreditní karty)
cash machine in Czech(M) bankomat (bankomatu, bankomaty)
signature in Czech(M) podpis (podpisu, podpisy)
dollar in Czech(M) dolar (dolaru, dolary)
euro in Czech(N) euro (eura, eura)
pound in Czech(F) libra (libry, libry)
bank account in Czech(M) bankovní účet (bankovního účtu, bankovní účty)
cheque in Czech(M) šek (šeku, šeky)
stock exchange in Czech(F) burza (burzy, burzy)

Business in Czech

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Czech Vocabulary Books

Learn Czech - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Czech - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Czech word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Czech words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Czech Vocabulary Book

Czech Vocabulary Book

This Czech vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Czech Flashcards


Czech Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Czech flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Czech Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Czech flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

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