60 Jobs in Polish

Do you want to know what your job is called in Polish? Below we have put together a list of job names in Polish for you. For even more vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Polish at the end of the page.
White-Collar Jobs in Polish
Blue-Collar Jobs in Polish
Other Jobs in Polish

White-Collar Jobs in Polish

doctor in Polishlekarz (lekarze)
architect in Polisharchitekt (architekci)
manager in Polishmenedżer (menedżerowie)
secretary in Polishsekretarka (sekretarki)
chairman in Polishprzewodniczący (przewodniczący)
judge in Polishsędzia (sędziowie)
lawyer in Polishprawnik (prawnicy)
accountant in Polishksięgowy (księgowi)
teacher in Polishnauczyciel (nauczyciele)
professor in Polishprofesor (profesorowie)
programmer in Polishprogramista (programiści)
politician in Polishpolityk (politycy)
dentist in Polishdentysta (dentyści)
prime minister in Polishpremier (premierzy)
president in Polishprezydent (prezydenci)
assistant in Polishasystent (asystenci)
prosecutor in Polishprokurator (prokuratorzy)
intern in Polishstażysta (stażyści)
librarian in Polishbibliotekarz (bibliotekarze)
consultant in Polishkonsultant (konsultanci)

60 Jobs in PolishYouTube

Blue-Collar Jobs in Polish

farmer in Polishrolnik (rolnicy)
lorry driver in Polishkierowca ciężarówki (kierowcy ciężarówek)
train driver in Polishmaszynista (maszyniści)
butcher in Polishrzeźnik (rzeźnicy)
construction worker in Polishpracownik budowlany (pracownicy budowlani)
carpenter in Polishcieśla (cieśle)
electrician in Polishelektryk (elektrycy)
plumber in Polishhydraulik (hydraulicy)
mechanic in Polishmechanik (mechanicy)
cleaner in Polishsprzątacz (sprzątacze)
gardener in Polishogrodnik (ogrodnicy)
fisherman in Polishrybak (rybacy)
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Other Jobs in Polish

policeman in Polishpolicjant (policjanci)
firefighter in Polishstrażak (strażacy)
nurse in Polishpielęgniarka (pielęgniarki)
pilot in Polishpilot (piloci)
stewardess in Polishstewardesa (stewardesy)
midwife in Polishpołożna (położne)
cook in Polishkucharz (kucharze)
waiter in Polishkelner (kelnerzy)
tailor in Polishkrawiec (krawcy)
cashier in Polishkasjer (kasjerzy)
receptionist in Polishrecepcjonista (recepcjoniści)
optician in Polishoptyk (optycy)
soldier in Polishżołnierz (żołnierze)
bus driver in Polishkierowca autobusu (kierowcy autobusów)
bodyguard in Polishochroniarz (ochroniarze)
priest in Polishksiądz (księża)
photographer in Polishfotograf (fotografowie)
referee in Polishsędzia (sędziowie)
reporter in Polishreporter (reporterzy)
actor in Polishaktor (aktorzy)
dancer in Polishtancerz (tancerze)
author in Polishautor (autorzy)
nun in Polishsiostra zakonna (siostry zakonne)
monk in Polishmnich (mnisi)
coach in Polishtrener (trenerzy)
singer in Polishpiosenkarz (piosenkarze)
artist in Polishartysta (artyści)
designer in Polishprojektant (projektanci)

Jobs in Polish

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Polish Vocabulary Books

Learn Polish - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Polish - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Polish word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Polish words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Polish Vocabulary Book

Polish Vocabulary Book

This Polish vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Polish Flashcards


Polish Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Polish flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Polish Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Polish flashcards available on Flashcardo.com in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

Free Learning Resources